Why do people travel?
Means of transport – How can we get to a place of destination?
Walk = go on foot, hike, sail = go by ship, cycle = go by bike, go on a bike, drive = go by car, go in a car, go by taxi, bus / coach, train, plane, underground, take a taxi, bus, train
Sightseeing - City
Individual tours, professionally guided tours
City is lovely, pretty, charming, pleasant, fascinating, impressive
go on sightseeing tour of the town, see the surroundings of the town, have a look at the…, go for a walk, do window shopping, go round the shops, buy souvenirs, take pictures, go out most evenings, show sb round the town
historical monuments, places of historical interest, places of historical significance, it is our cultural heritage
- the place/city was built in the … century, rebuilt, renovated, destroyed, burnt down, preserved, is under reconstruction
- remains of the town walls, fort, battlegrounds, (plague) columns, fountains, cathedrals, temples, churches, statues, cemeteries, palaces, watch towers
- Places around town – variety of stores, residential areas, buildings and offices, gas station, parking lot, health clubs, bridge, underpass, overpass, police station, jail, fire station
- Hotel, inn, motel, family owned hotel, (youth) hostel, log cabin, camp site, tent, caravan, apartments, villas, holiday resort
- Location of hotels – in the city centre, set on the water’s edge, at the foot of mountains, on a hillside, at the seaside resort, spa resort, in a quiet residential area
- Rooms, amenities – guest rooms with fireplace, spectacular view, phone, room service, access to the internet, satellite TV, …equipped with…, with a balcony, an extra bed, single/double rooms with a shower, decorated with personal touch, beach access, ocean views, ocean walking trails, tennis courts, parking facilities
- Stay in a hotel – vacancy, no vacancy, fully booked, book the stay in advance, make a reservation, off season stay, high season, check-in at the reception, check out, fill a registration form, full board, half board, complimentary breakfast, B & B, reasonable prices including breakfast, get the key and the room number, give sb a tip, pay the bill
Travelling with a travel agency
- Book a trip several months ahead, agency makes all arrangements for you (accommodation, transportation, insurance, etc.
- Travel and personal documents – identity card, valid passport, visa, international health insurance card, vaccination certificate, traveller’s checks, credit card, foreign currency
Minitalks: Do you like travelling? How many countries have you visited so far? What is your impression of the countries you have visited? What is the most memorable journey you have made? What countries would you like to visit? What sort of holiday would you like to have? Where are you going on holiday this year? Have you ever travelled by plane? Have you ever hitchhiked? Is it safe? Do you suffer from carsick or airsick? Which is the cheapest- quickest-most comfortable-most dangerous means of transportation? What do you personally prefer?
Suggest a nice trip and describe the sights, necessary equipment for the trip.
Budu se muset zeptat na cestu.
Jak se dostanu k cestovní kanceláři?
Nemáte tušení, kde mohu dostat průvodce Prahou?
Támhle. Ale tady nesmíte přecházet. Budete muset jít až na křižovatku.
To byla moje první příležitost s Angličanem.
Musel jsem ho požádat, aby mluvil pomalu a zřetelně.
Na které datum jste dostal místenku?
Cestoval jste přes Paříž nebo přes Brusel?
Možná, že nás čekají v letištní hale.
Ohlásili zpoždění.
Jak dlouho trval let?
Letuška nás přivítala jménem letecké společnosti.
Budeme přistávat.
Venkovní teplota je 30 stupňů.
Připoutejte se prosím.
Připravte si pas.
Jaký je účel vaší návštěvy?
Nemám nic k proclení.
Jedu služebně.
Směnárna je uvnitř letištní budovy.
Prohlédl moje zavazadla.
Neměl jste potíže s úřady?
Podařilo se vám vyřídit všechny záležitosti?
Až všichni cestující nastoupí do letadla, letadlo odstartuje.